About me

Hello there! I'm Yusef, and this is my website. It's mostly a place for me to write about programming and other bits of nerdery that catch my fancy.

I got started writing code when I was twelve or so, thinking I'd make video games. That hasn't quite happened yet, but along the way I discovered that programming was a fun and satisfying pursuit in its own right. I love taking things apart and learning how they work, and discovering Linux back in the mid 90s was a revelation to me. You could see the code for the whole thing!

In my awkward teenage years, I got it into my head that coding wasn't "cool," and put the tech down for a bit to play guitar and try to figure out how to talk to people, and maybe even kiss a few of them. That was pretty sweet, but eventually I got over myself and remembered that coding makes me happy. Now I write code and play guitar, and can even befriend strangers without getting caught in waves of self doubt, so I think it worked out pretty well.

I've spent the last eight-ish years getting paid to write software and software documentation, and it's been a supremely satisfying experience. I've learned a ton about distributed systems, backend engineering, user interface design, and technical writing, and I'm super pleased that there's still a world of things to learn. If you're hiring, please take a look at my resume.